Sunday, 29 April 2018

How to use Kafka consumer in pentaho 8

1.Create  main and sub transformation as discussed below sub transformation from main Transformation

Note:-Sub transformation required for Kafka consumer step

Download working sample from here

In the kaka transformation,

1.We are using direct bootstrap server on connection. 
2. we added the consumer group "test-consumer-group1" change consumer group after every run to retrieve Kafka message from start.
Important:-if you not change consumer group, kafka will not retrieve any message unless any new message arrived to topic.
like test-consumer-group1,test-consumer-group2,test-consumer-group3 .....
3. Changed the auto.offset.reset to "earliest" on options tab.

In the sub transformation.

In "Get records from stream" step, we gave the below fields Fieldname Type key None
message None
topic None
partition None
offset None
timestamp Timestamp

Kafka Version: kafka_2.11-1.1.0

I uploaded a sample .ktr that works


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