Monday, 13 May 2013

Pentaho Bi server configration on redhat linux and Mysql /oracle

A Guide On How To Setup

Pentaho BI Server 4.0 community edition
with MySQL & Linux(redhat) And Manual Deployment

By Abhishek Shankar
Pentaho BI Server 4.0 With MySQL And Linux

This is a guide on how to install Pentaho Business Intelligence Server 4.0 community Edition with MySQL on a Linux
machine. This guide assumes you have some basic knowledge of Linux and MySQL.
This version of the guide is for a local setup:
Access to the database can only be made from the server that it is located on.
Access to the BI Server can be made from both the server and other PC's.
Access to the Administrator Console can be made from both the server and other PC's.
If you would like a guide for a remote setup click here, the remote guide is for:
Access to the database can be made from the server that it is located on and other PC's.
Access to the BI Server can be made from both the server and other PC's.
Access to the Administrator Console can be made from both the server and other PC's.
Make sure when performing steps that you are always logged in as root:
ubuntu:/# sudo su
fedora:/# su –
redhat:/# su -

Contact And Resources
You can contact me via:
Skype: abhishek.spectrum

Google Talk:
Pentaho Official Wik i
Pentaho Forums

When I first started using Pentaho BI Server I was confused with what other packages it was made up by.
Here is a list of of packages which are relevant to this tutorial and how Pentaho BI Server uses them:
Apache Tomcat
Description: The web server which provides a platform for the Pentaho BI Server front end.
Port: 8080 (default)
URL access: http://localhost:8080/
Description: A Java package which helps the relational database work with Pentaho
Description: The web server which provides a platform for the Administrator Console front end
Port: 8099 (default)
URL access: http://localhost:8099/
Description: The database server which Pentaho will be using
Port: 3306 (default)
Java URL access: jdbc:mysql://localhost/your_db_name
Description: The job/report scheduling system which Pentaho uses
This is a very high level look however the team at Pentaho have started a Pentaho Terminology Project
which goes into most Pentaho terms in a lot more detail.

You should already have installed and configured both the latest Java JDK and JRE and MySQL server.
Java JDK And JRE
You can check if you have the latest Java JDK and JRE by typing at the terminal prompt java -version,
you should get the following output:
root@pentaho:/# java -version
java version "1.6.0_07"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b23, mixed mode, sharing)
If you don't get an output similar to above, follow these guides to setting up the latest Java package on your
Linux distribution: Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse, CentOS and RedHat.
If you are using Windows you can type at the command prompt java -version you should get the
following output:
C:\>java -version
java version "1.6.0_11"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_11-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)
If you don't get an output similar to above, follow this guide to setting up the latest Java package on Windows
Server, XP or Vista.
We will also need to check if you have set-up your environment variable correctly, once again at the terminal
prompt type echo $JAVA_HOME, you should get an output similar to below:
root@pentaho:/# echo $JAVA_HOME
If you didn't receive this output you have not set-up the JAVA_HOME environment variable correctly please
review the links above to make sure you installed Java JDK and JRE correctly.
To check if you have set-up your environment variable correctly in Windows, type at the command prompt
echo %JAVA_HOME%, you should get an output similar to below:
C:\>echo %JAVA_HOME%

MySQL Server
You can check if MySQL is installed by trying to login into the server, at the terminal prompt login by using
the mysql -u root -ppassword syntax, you should get an output similar to below:
Make sure you replace password with your actual MySQL server root's password.
root@pentaho:/#mysql -u root -ppassword
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 64
Server version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4 (Ubuntu)
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
If you don't get a similar output as above, follow these links to setting up the latest MySQL Server on your
Linux distribution: Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse, CentOS and RedHat.
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
Before you start any configuration you will need to download two packages:
1. Pentaho Business Intelligence Server 4.0
2. Sample Database MySQL 5 Script
Pentaho Business Intelligence Server 4.0 Stable
You can get this file two ways, the first way is to go to directly to the Pentaho SourceForge page and
download a copy, click here for a direct link, make sure you download the biserver-ce-4.0.0.stable.tar.gz
file! The other option is to just run the following command at your terminal prompt:
root@pentaho:/# wget
Once you have downloaded this file you will need to extract it by using the following command:
root@pentaho:/# tar xvzf biserver-ce-2.0.0-stable.tar.gz
After this operation is complete you should be able to enter a biserver-ce/ directory:
root@pentaho:/# ls
root@pentaho:/# cd biserver-ce/
Sample Database MySQL 5 Script
You can also get this file two ways, the first way is to go directly to a I have hosted with the file in it.
Create a user id to get it from below link

The other option is to just run the following command at your terminal prompt:
To make life easier make sure you download or move the sampledata .SQL script into the biserverce/
data/mysql5/ directory.
root@pentaho:/# cd biserver-ce/data/mysql5
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/data/mysql5# wget
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
Load The Sample SQL Scripts
We will need to load 5 sample sql scripts into our MySQL database, these are located in the biserverce/
data/mysql5 directory. You will need to load the scripts in the following order:
1. create_repository_mysql.sql
2. create_quartz_mysql.sql
3. create_sample_datasource_mysql.sql
4. migration.sql
5. sampledatamysql5.sql
To load these files first log into your MySQL server:
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/data/mysql5# mysql -u root -ppassword
Then run the following commands:
mysql> source create_repository_mysql.sql;
mysql> source create_quartz_mysql.sql;
mysql> source create_sample_datasource_mysql.sql;
mysql> source migration.sql;
mysql> source sampledatamysql5.sql;
To check if you have created all the necessary databases at the MySQL terminal prompt type:
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| hibernate |
| mysql |
| quartz |
| sampledata |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)
You should have the hibernate, quartz and sampledata databases, these are what you just created.
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
Configure pentaho-solutions/
You will need to modify three files, they are underlined below:
applicationContext-acegi-security-jdbc.xm l
hibernate-settings.xm l
mysql5.hibernate.cfg.xm l
What Does This File Do?
Sets up a JDBC authentication for the Spring Security system used on the Pentaho BI Server.
To edit this file enter the /biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/ directory:
root@pentaho:/# cd /biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/
Now open up the applicationContext-acegi-security-jdbc.xml file with your text editor, in this
example I'm using vim:
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system# vim
Scroll down until you see the snippet of code below, the highlighted areas are the parts which need
<bean id="dataSource"
<property name="driverClassName" value="com.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" />
<property name="url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/hibernate" /
<property name="username" value="hibuser" />
<property name="password" value="password" />
The configuration options of this file are:
driverClassName: The class of the database driver i.e. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
url: The url to access the database i.e. jdbc:mysql://localhost:your_mysql_port/database_name.
username: The username which has access to the specified database.
password: The password of the username above.
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
After modification your code should look similar to this:
<bean id="dataSource"
<property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
<property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hibernate" />
<property name="username" value="root" />
<property name="password" value="password" />
Once again I have just used the root username and password, for a proper and secure installation you
should create a separate user who has similar access as a root user!
Save the file and exit it.
What Does This File Do?
Sets the properties for the Spring security to enable a database connection to the Hibernate conection.
This file is located under the same directory as the directory before:
root@pentaho:/# cd biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system
Open up the file with your text
editor, in this example I'm using vim:
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system# vim applicationContext-acegisecurity-
At the top you should see the snippet of code below, the highlighted areas are the parts which need
The configuration options of this file are:
jdbc.driver: The JDBC driver i.e. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
jdbc.url: The url to access the database i.e.
jdbc.username: The username which has access to the specified database.
jdbc.password: The password of the username above.
hibernate.dialect: The database language or dialect that Hibernate needs to use.
After modification your file should
similar to this:
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
Save the file and exit it.
What Does This File Do?
Sets up the basic Hibernate settings i.e. what database back-end to use.
This file is located under the /hibernate directory:
root@pentaho:/# cd biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/hibernate
root@pentaho:/ biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/hibernate#
Open up the hibernate-settings.xml file with your text editor, in this example I'm using vim:
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system# vim hibernatesettings.
Scroll down until you see the snippet of code below, the highlighted areas are the parts which need
This is currently referencing the hsql hibernate configuration file, you will need to change this to the MySQL
hibernate configuration file; mysql5.hibernate.cfg.xml.
After modification, your hibernate-settings.xml file should look similar to this:
Save the file and exit it.
What Does This File Do?
Configures the MySQL connection for the Hibernate database, this allows managed connections
within the BI Server.
We do not need to change directories as this file is also located under the /hibernate directory, open up
the mysql5.hibernate.cfg.xml file with your text editor, in this example I'm using vim:
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system# vim
Scroll down until you see the snippet of code below, the highlighted areas are the parts which need
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
<property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="connection.username">hibuser</property>
<property name="connection.password">password</property>
<property name="connection.pool_size">10</property>
<property name="show_sql">false</property>
<property name="hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary">true</property>
The core configuration options of this file are:
connection.driver_class: The class of the database driver i.e. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
url: The URL to access the database i.e. jdbc:mysql://localhost:port_for_mysql/database_name.
username: The username which has access to the specified database.
password: The password of the username above.
After modification your code should look similar to this:
<property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="connection.username">root</property>
<property name="connection.password">password</property>
<property name="connection.pool_size">10</property>
<property name="show_sql">false</property>
<property name="hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary">true</property>
Once again I have just used the root username and password, for a proper and secure installation you
should create a separate user who has similar access as a root user!
Save the file and exit it.

Pentaho BI Server 4.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup

Configure tomcat/webapps/pentaho/
You will need to modify two files, they are underlined below:
web.xm l
context.xm l
What Does This File Do?
The main configuration file for Tomcat and Pentaho i.e. sets up all the .JSP's and various other
Pentaho files.
To edit the first file enter the tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/ directory:
root@pentaho:/# cd biserver-ce/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/
Now open up the web.xml file with your favourite text editor, in this example I'm using vim.
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/# vim web.xml
Scroll down until you see the snippet of code below, the highlighted areas are the parts which need
This is currently telling you that the Pentaho installation can only be accessed on the server that is currently
running it. If you would like to access the Pentaho installation from other computers you will need to change
this so that the localhost is replaced with the IP address of the server hosting the Pentaho Installation.
Your web.xml file should now look similar to this (where the is the IP address of your
Save the file and exit it.
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
What Does This File Do?
Configuration file for setting up both Hibernate and Quartz.
To edit the first file you must enter the tomcat/webapps/pentaho/META-INF/ directory:
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/# cd /biserverce/
Now open up the context.xml file with your text editor, in this example I'm using vim.
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/META-INF/# vim
Scroll down until you see the snippet of code below, the highlighted areas are the parts which need
<Context path="/pentaho" docbase="webapps/pentaho/">
<Resource name="jdbc/Hibernate" auth="Container"
factory="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" maxActive="20"
maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000" username="hibuser" password="password"
driverClassName="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" url="jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/
hibernate" validationQuery="select count(*) from
<Resource name="jdbc/Quartz" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
factory="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" maxActive="20"
maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000" username="pentaho_user" password="password"
driverClassName="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" url="jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/
quartz" validationQuery="select count(*) from
The core configuration options of this file are:
url – The url to access the Hibernate and Quartz database i.e.
driverClassName – The class of the database driver for Hibernate and Quartz i.e.
username – The username which has access to the for Hibernate and Quartz database
password – The password of the username above
validationQuery – This is a query to check if the database is present, for now I'm going to just
remove this line, if you want you can type in your own select statement in here i.e. SELECT 1
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
After modification your code should look similar to this:
<Context path="/pentaho" docbase="webapps/pentaho/">
<Resource name="jdbc/Hibernate" auth="Container"
factory="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" maxActive="20"
maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000" username="root" password="password"
url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/hibernate" />
<Resource name="jdbc/Quartz" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
factory="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" maxActive="20"
maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000" username="root" password="password"
url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/quartz" />
<Context path="/pentaho" docbase="webapps/pentaho/">
<Resource name="jdbc/Hibernate" auth="Container"
factory="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" maxActive="20"
maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000" username="root" password="password"
url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/hibernate" validationQuery="SELECT 1" />
<Resource name="jdbc/Quartz" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
factory="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" maxActive="20"
maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000" username="root" password="password"
url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/quartz" validationQuery="SELECT 1"/>
Save this file and exit it.
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
Configure administration-console/
No configuration is needed for the administrator console with the stable release of Pentaho BI Server 2.0.
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
Start The BI Server & Administrator Console
We will need to first start the BI Server and then the Administrator Console.
To start the BI Server, enter the /tomcat/bin directory which is within the biserver-ce/ directory.
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/# cd /tomcat/bin
To start the Tomcat web server all you need to do is run from within the /tomcat/bin
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/tomcat/bin/# ./
To stop the Tomcat web server all you have to do is run from within the /tomcat/bin
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/tomcat/bin/# ./
After running either command you should get the following output:
Using CATALINA_BASE: /home/pgraju/biserver-ce/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME: /home/pgraju/biserver-ce/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/pgraju/biserver-ce/tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
Before starting up the Administrator Console make sure that Tomcat and the BI Server has successfully
started, to do this open up a web browser and type in http://localhost:8080/ or http://ip_address:8080/ (this is
the IP address you have set in your web.xml file).
You should now see the Tomcat welcome homepage:

Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
If Tomcat was successful, try and launch the BI Server, after your URL add pentaho i.e. http://localhost:8080/
pentaho or http://your_ip_address:8080/pentaho.
You should now see the Pentaho login screen:

Close or minimize your browser and open up a new instance of the terminal and enter the
/administrator-console directory:
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/# cd administrator-console
To start the Administrator Console you will need to run from within the administrator-console/
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/administrator-console/# ./
To stop the Administrator Console you will need to run from within the administratorconsole/
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/administrator-console/# ./
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
After running this command you should get the following output:
2009-01-27 01:00:56.800::INFO: Logging to STDERR via
org.mortbay.log.StdErrLogJan 27, 2009 1:00:56 AM
org.pentaho.pac.server.JettyServer startServerINFO: Console is starting
2009-01-27 01:00:56.055::INFO: jetty-6.1.2
2009-01-27 01:00:56.133::INFO: Started SocketConnector @
Jan 27, 2009 1:00:56 AM org.pentaho.pac.server.JettyServer startServer
INFO: Console is now started. It can be accessed using
Now lets try and launch the Administrator Console, open up your browser and visit http://localhost:8099/ or
http://ip_adresss:8099/ (this is the IP address you set in your console.xml file).
You will be prompted to login, use the username admin and the password password to login.
Once logged in you should see the Administrator Console homepage.

Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
Configure The SampleData Data Source
While the Administrator Console is running you will need to edit the sample database data source, with the
Administrator Console this is very simple. First click on the Administration link on the left hand side.
The next step is to click on the Data Sources tab which is on the right hand side:
This should bring up list of current data sources if you have a fresh install of the BI Server you should only
see the SampleData data source, click on the name to populate the fields on the right hand side.

Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
You will need to edit 5 fields for the SampleData data source:
Under the General section:

Driver Class: This is the driver class of the data source connection, at the moment it is set to use a
hsql driver class, change this to com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
User Name: Change this to a user who has the correct privileges to access the sampledata
Password: The password to the user you specify above.
URL: This is the URL which you can access the database on, at the moment this is set to a hsql
URL, change this to jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
Under the Advanced section:
Validation Query: Delete any SQL statements which are present and leave it blank or enter a
MySQL query which is valid i.e. SELECT 1

Once you are done, click on the Test button and you should receive a message letting you know that it has
made a successful connection.
You have successfully set-up your SampleData data source to use your MySQL database.
Before this is reflected in the BI Server you will need to restart Tomcat and the Administrator console.
To stop Tomcat, enter the /biserver-ce/tomcat/bin/ directory and run
root@pentaho:/# cd /biserver-ce/tomcat/bin
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/tomcat/bin/# ./
Next, stop the Administrator console, enter the /administrator-console/ directory and run or
CTRL+C if you are in the terminal which is outputting a log of the Administrator Console:
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/tomcat/bin/# cd ../../administrator-console
root@pentaho:/administrator-console/# ./
Now start Tomcat back up and then the Administrator Console.
To start Tomcat, enter the /biserver-ce/tomcat/bin/ directory and run
root@pentaho:/# cd /biserver-ce/tomcat/bin
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/tomcat/bin/# ./
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup
Next, start the Administrator console, enter the /administrator-console/ directory and run
root@pentaho:/biserver-ce/tomcat/bin/# cd ../../administrator-console
root@pentaho:/administrator-console/# ./
Login into the BI Server as any of the sample users and then try and run a sample report, if all went well then
you have successfully setup Pentaho Business Intelligence Server RC1 with MySQL on Linux!
Pentaho BI Server 2.0 With MySQL And Linux Local Setup

Common Errors
Here is a list of common errors which I and others encountered on setting up the BI Server with MySQL on
Linux and of course the solutions!
Pentaho Initialization Error
Pentaho Initialization Error
The following errors were detected
One or more system listeners failed. These are set in the pentaho.xml under the node
PentahoSystem.ERROR_0014 – Error while trying to execute startup sequence for
Please see the server console for more details on each error detected.
This error can occur with both Quartz and Hibernate, in this example it is with Quartz.
Most of the time this error occurs because you have not setup your context.xml file correctly, please read
over this part of the guide again and make sure you have not made any typos or entered incorrect settings.
Can't Run Sample Reports
If you are getting an error when trying to run a sample report you have not configured the sample data data
source correctly within the Administrator Console, read over this part of the guide to make sure you have not
entered incorrect settings.
Manual Deployment of Pentaho on Jboss with Mysql
  1. Download and unpack Download the necessary files from
  2. or tar (Linux)
  3. or tar (Linux)
  4. download and install ant
  5. set class path of ant in environment (windows)
  6. set class path in Linux using .profile file

Unpack the zip/tar files.
after extracting you will get two directories: biserver-ce and biserver-manual-ce.
  1. Build customized war file In order to build an war file that is customized for Jboss/MySQL, go to the biserver-manual-ce folder. Run "ant -p" to view the project help information. The build targets are shown. Build the JBoss/MySQL target without portal: "ant war-pentaho-jboss-mysql-no-portal". This results in the file build/pentaho-ears/jboss/no-portal/mysql5/pentaho.war.
  2. deploy pentaho.war file in deploy directory …\jboss4\jboss-4.2.1.GA\server\default\deploy
  3. deoloy pentaho style war in deploy directoy (0ptional)
  4. copy pentaho-solution from manual deployment in ….\jboss-4.2.1.GA\
  5. open web.xml from ….\jboss4\jboss-4.2.1.GA\server\default\deploy\pentaho.war\WEB-INF
  6. edit line number 10 and put absolute path of solution folder
  7. solutionpath should look like..
  8. solution-path

  1. Paste mysql jar file in

…..\jboss4\jboss-4.2.1.GA\lib 11.Create User in mysql database root identified by password password
12.And run all db script manually
13.Give execute permition to all file
14.Start jboss …..batch or shell (.bat or .sh)
15.Request http://localhost:8080/pentaho/Login from web browser
Detail configuration
Change databse and dialect in following files
1)hibernate-settings.xml …biserver-ce\pentaho-solutions\system\hibernate\hibernate-settings.xml
2) …. biserver-ce\pentaho-solutions\system\
3)change in systemListeners.xml Comment versionCheckerSystemListener in pentaho-solutions\system\systemListeners.xml
mail me in case of any issue


  1. It is very helpful for Pentaho Beginners..

  2. How to Handle connection Timeout in my sql databse....
